And the second every time before you launch your game. Where is the Installed Custom Content stored lcmsims Posts: 90 Member July 2009 in The Sims 3 Help & Technical Discussion After installing custom content I move the Sims3 files out of My Documents\Electronic Arts\Downloads folder to an external drive for storage. I strongly recommend doing the first clean up, once a month or week. Plus they will regenerate when you start the game.
As for the Start up and loading screens, go to your My Documents-> Electronic Arts-> The Sims 3 and delete, CASPartCache.package| compositorCache.package| scriptCache.package| simCompositorCache.package| socialCache.package| files.ĭon't worry, these caches are just a bunch of backup files of all the package files ever used in the game which you obviously don't need. If it makes you feel better, you can keep a backup of the folder and test it yourself. Basically, you go to your My Documents-> Electronic Arts-> The Sims 3-> DCbackup. Pu+Chi House CC - Seeking Help Hey guys, Im trying to make a Pu Chi House folder because all their Google Drive links have been deleted/privatized, but I. So I deleted them and my game played a lot better and faster. I tried many things and mods to speed up my game until I found out that the problem was caches holding all the items used in game for easier access. Not to mention how long it took it to start. create 2 or 3 sims with your favorite skindetails packed on them, save to library ,and extract with tray importer. sluggish, that it was painful and annoying to play.
I'm personally addicted to clutter, it's never enough clutter for me. Installing mods for The Sims 3 can be very tempting where you'd end up just downloading a whole bunch of stuff, and eventually cause your game to lag.